(3 customer reviews)



HEEL-O-MATIC has added a new roping dummy to their lineup. This is the most realistic child sized dummy on the market today. It offers the perfect size, look, and feel. The material this dummy is made out of is light weight but also super durable. The dummy itself weighs only 25 lbs. This dummy will help your kids develop the proper fundamentals. It will teach them how to handle their rope, catch the horns, and have confidence in their roping abilities.



        • o   Standing 17″ tall, the LeapSteer allows children to swing and deliver their loop at a proper angleSize of Dummy:
        • o   Helps prevent the rope from sliding to ensure children rope the horns more correctlyMade of Hide-Like Material:
    • Horn Wrap:Medium Sized Horns:
        • o   For an even more realistic feel and rope action